Wednesday, October 28, 2009

BaD lUcK~~><

ahhhh!!!today very bad luck aa~~~
morning..den giv ppl catch hair adi....
front hair long...><...tat chee co me to cut it tmr...
i tell u...i wont giv a damn of u..u wanna cut..den cut la!!><
dulan our skul...still gt many student's hair more longer den me naa
y must catch me oni?cb kia lu~~$@#!$%#@!!!!
>< morning..before i went to skul..i went to mamak..
yamcha wit frens...guess wat?hong,joseph and yuan wei nv slp for whole day...==
so nice..if my mom giv..i oso wan join them de lo...oppsss..=P......
today at nth to do...if she gt come..
i tink better baa...i still can go find her..considered doing something...
sigh...lie on the table for whole day deciding whether tmr wan go skul
anot....hmm..tats all la...byee~~